Thursday, October 25, 2012

Beautiful Couple, Beautiful Wedding

On Saturday, October 20th, I was blessed with the opportunity to help my old roomie on the day of her wedding. From sun up to sun down, I got to celebrate and share in Anna Rebecca and David's special day. This couple is so sweet and I enjoyed getting to know David better while rooming with Anna Rebecca. Sweet potato chips will always be a symbolism of our friendship. :) My blessing for the Watts is God's faithfulness and guidance for a beautiful and happy marriage!

 David's Grooms Cake 

 Anna Rebecca's Bridal Cake 

 Beautiful Wedding dress that I got to steam clean. :) 

 Whitney & Anna Rebecca (so sweet) 

 Mrs. Janet & Anna Rebecca 

 Mr. Tom & Anna Rebecca 

 Sweet Kisses :) 

 Anna Rebecca & Steven 

 Brittany (Matron of Honor)

 Beautiful Wedding Display (Magnolia Trees)

 Bride's Bouquet 

 He looks so sweet in this picture! 

 Love this girl! (I know I'm doing the sorority pose, but my arm looks better.) 

 Anna Rebecca & Blake 
Elizabeth & Me 

It was awesome and such a great surprise to see this girl. I've missed you Elizabeth and loved catching up with you! :) 

Southern Love, 

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Oxford, Mississippi

Blake and I have had a busy summer and school year. We haven't had a lot of time to spend together and going on vacation was out of the question. So when Auburn played Ole Miss, it was nice to be able to plan a quick weekend get away. Even though the game was quite pitiful (Auburn will get it together), we had a wonderful time camping and relaxing (well unless it's looking for fire wood).

I don't mind camping because it's cheap. Blake had to prove to me that it was cheaper, ha. I only ask for two things: 1) nice bathhouse with hot water and 2) electricity in that bathhouse. That's not much to ask, ha. I also always make sure to bring an air mattress, snacks, and trash bags. Blake does a great job handling everything when camping. I will say this, Blake is one self-sufficient man! If we ever were stranded as Tom Hanks during Castaway, we would actually probably survive. That boy knows all about survival skills.

 Auburn pride! 
I love my Volkswagon Jetta!  
 Getting ready to leave for Ole Miss! 

 Setting up camp at night. We couldn't leave till early afternoon with our work schedules. 
 This tent is huge! 

 Handmade Clothes Rack....He thinks of just about everything!

 Peace, Quiet & Beauty 

 He's serious about his fire building. 

 Love this man! I can't wait till our wedding day. 

Blake's Awesome Fire Skills! 

On our way home, we stopped off in Hamilton, Alabama, to see the Natural Bridge. There we made a new little friend named Augie. He was our guide dog and the couple running the national forest site were so sweet.

 Indian Face 

 Natural Bridge 

They even provided us with walking sticks. They were helpful with the ground being wet from the rain. 

 Blake and our guide dog, "Augie." 

 These pictures are out of order but this is us at the Ole Miss Game. Beautiful campus! I wasn't too crazy about sitting on the bleachers. :) We had a great time, even with the lost.

Southern Love, Tricia

Friday, October 19, 2012

Lakey Lingerie & An Evening Out

I've had a lot of fun spending time with such wonderful friends. My great friend Jessica came into town for the Arkansas v Auburn game and we got to get together with Lindsey for a night of dinner. I had the best time hanging out and just chatting the evening away. We ate at my favorite restaurant, Hamilton's, and then had some drinks at a new swanky place in downtown Auburn. These girls are AMAZING and I enjoy spending time with them! We even planned the bachelorette party! I am so excited! These two girls are true friends that love to have a good time! Watch out Nashville....

Two Sundays ago, I went to the lake for my old roommate's lingerie shower. I had an absolute blast laughing, eating and catching up. Anna Rebecca is getting marred to a wonderful and patience man (David Watts). He is so much fun and I know they will live a life full of happiness. He is so fortunate to be marrying such a wonderful lady! I know she will strive everyday to be the best wife. I can see that God is the center of their marriage and will continue to be. Anna Rebecca (AR) was a blessing as a roommate. I miss her so much! We would crash on the couch and watch our shows (we stuck to our schedule) of Pretty Little Liars, The Lying Game, Criminal Minds, and Once Upon a Time to name a few. She would listen to my endless dramatic first grade stories! That's a true friend. I am so fortunate to be helping out on her wedding day. I am sure I will learn great tips for my wedding day in March. Her shower was a blast! Love you lots AR!

Southern Love,

Thursday, October 11, 2012

The Quality of Friendship

I must say that I've never cared to be one of "popularity." I am one that wants people to like me but not to be popular. I've learned that friendship is something that requires a quality friend and not a quantity of friends. I have friends come and go, you know, "seasonal" friends people like to call them. But then you have that friend or friends that you thought--where have you been all my life? How did I make it this far without you? I plan on blogging about all my friends because I do have quality friends that continue to touch my lives, but this blog is about this past weekend. I had one of the best "girl" weekends. A weekend that was full of football, shopping, eating, a movie, and just good quality time with quality friends.

The weekend began with a super fun girls night at my house in which I hosted a 31 Party. We had a blast eating, hanging out, and laughing at everything. Carol Ann and Abby did a great job selling the amazing 31 products and I love to hang out and cook for anybody.

Then I went to the Auburn game and sat with one of the coaches' wives. I really got to know this family over the summer and I enjoy sitting at the games with her. She is so fun and easy to talk to. I had a blast at the game even though it was depressing on the field to watch. I've learned a lot about the coaches' families and people don't realize how much they affect others' lives when they do things or say things to insult our team.

I only stayed till half time because I had the rest of the day planned with one of my BFFs (Emilee Dunnam). This is one of those people that you become friends with and wonder, "How in the world did I survive this long without her?" Our schedules this year are so different and so busy that we haven't had much time for each other. I think this is why this day was so special! We did everything-shopped, ate, talked, talked, and went and saw Pitch Perfect. That was such a great movie! I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. So glad that we got to spend time together because I was having withdrawals.

Then on Sunday, I went and saw my momma for a little bit. What girls weekend without seeing my momma is not complete. She is so special to me and is helping make our wedding day one to cherish and remember. After seeing her, I went home and got ready for a lingerie shower for my old roommate, Anna Rebeeca. I had a blast up at the Cannon's lakehouse getting to know the Cannon girls and celebrating AR's wedding. I can't wait to celebrate with her on her special day. In fact, I need to find a dress. Pictures of her shower are soon to come....

It was a wonderful weekend! So thankful for the blessings God has given me through friends and family.

Southern Love,