Sunday, September 25, 2011

Fall, AU Football, and Apples

Welcome fall! I love fall and what all comes along with it! The changing of colors, pumpkins, pumpkin bread, Halloween, football season and cool weather (just right). I've had a blast going to the Auburn football games. I got to experience my first away game (not counting SEC) to Clemson. Although it was depressing to lose, we still had a blast! We decided to camp about 20 minutes outside of Clemson to save money. Though I was worried because I'm not a camper, it ended up being really fun and really clean. We sat by the fire and talked. We just sat. It was so weird just to sit and do nothing. If I'm sitting I'm usually cutting out or getting ready for first grade lessons. Ha! Clemson's campus was so pretty. It did remind me a lot of Auburn's campus but I must admit, Auburn still has the prettiest campus. It was neat and interesting to be on the other side of the field for an away game.

 My sweet Blake and I tailgating
 Best looking team!
 1st time ever in top deck! Wow! 
Downtown Clemson

This past Saturday was the Auburn v Florida Atlantic game. My dad was able to find two extra tickets so I could take one of my sweet students from last year. This was her first Auburn game and boy did we have a blast! This girl can eat! We tailgated with the sweet Amos Family (LOVE THEM!) and enjoyed the game. Although the eagle didn't fly, she still got to see them (both eagles) down on the field near our seats. I miss my sweet kiddos from last year and are amazed how they sprouted over the summer for fourth grade. They're not babies anymore.

 AU Stadium
 Sweet Child!
Enjoying the Game 

For school this week we are doing a Johnny Appleseed or Apple Thematic Unit and I cannot wait to share it with all you guys! I got so many awesome ideas from other blogs and I know my firsties will have a blast sampling different apple items and then graphing them, fun apple reading centers with making words, reading the room, etc, and math stations such as apple even/odd and apple number recognition. Have a great week and War Eagle!!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Whoosh! It sure has been a busy week with fifteen firsties! A teacher's job is not a 7:30-3:30 job. I've been getting to school about 6:45 and leaving between 5-5:30, and still take things home! Well, I do love my job! My sweet kiddos sure did wear me out today. I went to school with my hair down and about half way in the morning it went into a ponytail...Bless their hearts, they have just loved talking today and me...not so much listening to it. They're still figuring out...if they just "whisper" then it doesn't bother me, but they aren't quite their yet.

If you know me, I am NOT a fan of cockroaches. Well, of course Wednesday morning there was an unfriendly roach upside down beside my small group chair. I had my sweet chicken catcher student pick up the roach. He thought it was the best idea EVER! He wanted to pick it up with his bare hands. Gross! I told him he had to use paper towels. Well, go figure, it would drop out of the paper towel, flip over, and crawl right towards my feet. I start screaming and laughing, my kids are just staring at me, and the firstie is chasing it!! He finally stomped on it and it made this huge POP!! Well, needless to say, I couldn't stop laughing and my kiddos were floored at the fact that I didn't use my whisper voice in the classroom. They were also concerned about me, it was sweet! Now they know how much I hate bugs! Now I have an official bug catcher in the classroom and he thinks it is the best job ever! I just love him!

Firsties are a lot sweeter and not so much attitude. Their little brains do take a while to grow and learn but my heart is officially in first grade! I'm learning more patience than ever but their desire to learn, please, and cute language is a joy every day. We're still learning to listen with our ears and not with our mouth.

My amazing mom and I had the best time ever decorating my room. SHE IS AMAZING!All the animals and school bus are hand drawn and painted by my mom! I thought I would post some pics of my classroom. My camera lately hasn't taken the best pictures but gives you an idea of my classroom. They call me the "fru-fru" teacher, but I LOVE it! Enjoy!

 The entrance to my classroom!! 
 Storage! I'm not use to this! The animals through out the room are used as guides to stations. 
 Helpers & Behavior...I also do a clip chart that is the best idea ever!
 I think it is so important to have lots of resources for students to look at and use when dealing with math and reading. You can't see it but we also have the months and a number line. I tell them all the time to look for themselves. They have to learn to "think." 
 My ELMO and laptop area. My "special" kiddo sit there to keep her on task. I LOVE the ELMO!! 
 More storage!! I love books! If you can see it, I have monkeys and green lanterns hanging from the ceiling. 
 Small Group Table and Teacher Table
See that pretty box? Yes-I take it home every night and it always has something! 
 It was the end of the day. Love my hippo in the corner. She's the spelling station. 
"Wild About Words"
I have vocabulary and sight words. 

I will share my stations soon and all the amazing cute ideas I've gotten from other blogs and some I've created on my own. I still have some more work to do in my classroom. I want to add some curtains, etc. Well, gotta get packed for the Clemson game! I only have a 1/2 tomorrow! War Eagle!!!

Friday, September 9, 2011

The Life through the eyes of a First Grader Part 1

Life is quite interesting through a first grader's mind. The process is slow when it comes to learning but the comments, excitement, and stories are quite entertaining. I wish we had more time for them just to talk and tell me stories, and I may just have to make time for that because they need to express their feelings and thoughts too.

The more I teach first grade the more I realize just how much I am enjoying it! Yes, it is like starting over and yes they are blank minds, but I get to watch their minds grow! I'm so excited and love how they are already growing and remembering procedures (well, most of the time). You never thought taking your shoes off would be such a great reward for teamwork! These little firsties always make me laugh and smile! Hey, otherwise, I'd go insane.

These are the HIGHLIGHTS of this week in first grade:

Weekly Event 1:
My little student that I love so much because I say her name more than anyone else in the classroom comes running out of the bathroom. "Ms. Adams the water in the toilet is coming up," as she is moving her hands in a swirling motion, "and it won't stop. It keeps coming and coming. It is going to blow up the WHOLE SCHOOL!!!" Then she throws her hands up in the air really dramatically.
"Darling, the school isn't going to blow up," I say.
"Yes it is!!"
"No it isn't. Now get in line."
"Yes it is!!" She is determined that she is correct in this serious matter.
"Well, we'll be the first to know what happens in case the school blows up. Now let's get in line."

Weekly Event 2:
We're sitting in small group for reading intervention that I like to call Tier 287 but love first grade because it is mostly small groups! Well, I had two little boys who were in a deep conversation on the way to the table. As they sat down, one said, "Ms. Adams, so and so says that he caught a chicken last night for supper."
"Let's go over our high-frequency words. Wait a minute, what happened last night?"
"I caught a chicken for dinner. I was the only one that could catch it."
"Does your family have chickens?"
"Did you steal a neighbor's chicken?"
"No, they just run wild in the neighborhood."
"Oh, and what happened after you caught the chicken?"
"My dad chopped his head off!"
"Wow! Who took the feathers off?"
"My dad and he took all the guts out of it too!"
"Did your mom bake it or fry it?"
"She baked it. We had chicken and dumplings!"
" are you telling me the truth?"
"Yes m'am!"
"Now what if I called your momma? Would she tell me the same story?"
"Yes m'am!"
"Oh well, okay, sounds like a fun night! Now let's get back to work." My sweet kids.

I thought third grade was entertaining but first has taken over with the entertainment factor. These darlings tell all and hold nothing back! I have a "wild safari" class but I wouldn't trade any of them! We've all bonded and are forming quite a classroom community. Now if only the tattling will stop...

Have a great weekend! War Eagle!!!

Monday, September 5, 2011

The Name of My Blog

It took a lot of thought into creating a name for my blog. It couldn't just be any old name, but had to have meaning and a purpose. I didn't want to do just a teacher blog or a blog about my not so "simple" life but a combination of all things. So here is an explanation of the name, "Safaris, Sparkles, and Sweet Tea."

I am in my fourth year of teaching and recently moved from third grade to first grade. Wow! What a world of difference between first and third! It is amazing to see the beginning of children's minds as they begin to grow in their education. I moved schools and with the help of my amazing mother, my classroom theme is a "Safari Jungle." Hence the word-safaris-because if you teach school, you know that life as an educator is full of the ups and downs of a safari.

For sparkles, well I love accessories! Anything that sparkles is wonderful! I love all things that sparkle! I also sell Mary Kay and this amazing business offers all of their ladies and men the chance to "sparkle." Everyone has a special way that makes them sparkle. Dance was my sparkle for 18 years and now my sparkles fall in other areas-some I'm still searching for...

Last but not least, sweet tea, is a symbol for a southern gal. I love all things sweet! Sweet tea reminds me of football season, eating out, spending time outside with puppies, days at the lake or the beach, and enjoying the sweet thing we call "life." Even if most of the time it isn't so sweet. We learn just how to make it sweet and some days we learn slower than others. Believe me, I know, I am a clumsy gal and it reminds me constantly that my life is not my own. I must fully rely on God and he reminds every day with dropping a book on my foot or running into the side of a door!

Well, as a teacher, I must go to bed because a day full of 15 firsties can wear a person slap out! I wish I had half the energy they do! They make life quite entertaining and busy! Enjoy your week!

War Eagle!