Wednesday, March 26, 2014

One Year Celebration of Our Southern Love Story

Blake and I celebrated our one year anniversary on Sunday, March 23rd, 2014. We left baby Sophie bright and early with his parents. This mama had a hard time leaving her baby girl for that long but it was nice for Blake and I to spend some much needed alone time. Blake has started a new job so he doesn't get much time off right now so we headed out early Sunday morning for our anniversary adventure.

We headed to Helen, Georgia where we hiked to Anna Ruby Falls and then walked around the quaint little town of Helen. It was quite windy and chilly but so nice not to be on a schedule. We enjoyed looking around in the shops, eating lunch at a small little pizza place, and a friendly competitive game of putt-putt.

We then decided to go visit a gold mine in Dahlonega, Georgia. We visited the Consolidated Mines and had a wonderful time panning for gold and taking the underground mine tour. It was quite interesting and we met some little critters while on the tour.

Blake and I have added a lot to our southern love story this year with a new job, a new house, and the greatest of all-little Sophie. We are learning more and more everyday how to be the best parents possible and I pray that we continue to raise Sophie in God's direction and guidance. I'm so proud of my husband and how hard he works for our family. He works long hours and six days a week. I never hear him complain about working and always comes home to give Sophie and I lots of love. I look forward to what God has in store for us in the future, but for right now, I'm soaking up every moment in the present.

Southern Love, 

1 comment:

  1. I am blessed by you my sweet daughter and by Blake my hard working caring son in law. Sophie helps bring Joy into my life. I am so proud and cried when I saw pictures of Sophia's first day at church. I am so blessed that you both are taking sweet Sophia to church. I love you both. I love the waterfall pictures because that is my favorite spot to be in all of the world. Love, mom
