Thursday, May 28, 2015

Well hello blog! It's been a while.....

Wow! Is it sad that I completely forgot I had a blog? It just dawned on me the other day that I even had a blog when I saw it on my favorites list. Um....please tell me I'm not the only working mama that has neglected her blog for over three months. My laptop has been out of commission for a bit but really, how does one forget to record the exciting life moments of her first born child?

I've just accepted the fact that I'm not going to be one of those moms that always seem to have it together. They never seem to leave a sippy cup or always have exactly what your child needs at a restaurant that you forgot to pack for your own child. Yes, I'm that mommy that always forget something...probably why I keep an emergency kit in the trunk of my car. :)

Being a mommy is hard work but extremely rewarding. I wouldn't want to be any other person besides Sophia's mommy, even on days when I think she's out to get me. I'm thankful for my group of mommy friends that keep me sane and lets me know daily that I'm not alone in the world of motherhood. It helps to know that your child isn't the only one pitching a fit because you took something dangerous she found away from her or she just simply won't take a nap. I'm thankful for mommy friends on days of rejoicing when we share new discoveries that our sweet babies have accomplished such as swimming lessons, saying more and more words, and other newfound milestones. Milestones I should have been recording on the forgotten blog the past three months. So here are a few of Sophie's current updates. :)

Sophie is currently 16 months old and full of energy! She's a pro at saying "no" and loves to play tea party and baby dolls. She loves to be barefoot in the grass and blow bubbles. Her current favorites are blankey, bunny, blueberries, going up and down steps, and her favorite words are "no" and "tank you." I love when she reaches her arms out for you to pick her up and hold her. I love to see her run into the kitchen to give her daddy love when he comes in after work. She's growing too quickly.

We've had so many exciting events happen but life of a full time mommy, wife, teacher, and dog lover has kind of kept me busy from blogging. So busy I forgot I even had a blog! I'm so glad it's summer break and looking forward to a summer full of Sophie adventures, workshops, writing a dissertation and maybe some relaxing....maybe even being consistent on keeping up with this blog. :)

Southern Love,

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