Before I even start this post, I've already been side tracked! Aubie made it to our school and I am in love! He came last Friday and ran the show! I tried to up load the video but it won't work for me. I hope I can get it to work soon. :) The kids were still talking about Aubie this past week! It made me smile to know that they enjoyed it so much and it meant the world to them.
Now, back to the real reason why I'm posting. I just got back from the Alabama Reading Association Reading Conference in Montgomery and boy was I. INSPIRED. Debbie Silver was the speaker during the morning session and even though I wasn't feeling well, God was tugging me to go, because if you know me, I don't do well sitting for two hours. But did Debbie have me enthralled in her story of teaching 30+ years! She was not only hilarious, but real and inspiring.
I know teaching is meant for me but lately I've been burnt out. I feel that sometimes my students aren't getting the best from me because I'm being "tied down" to a "program" or "following a certain schedule." I feel that schools (all over the nation) are losing the real reason for teaching-it isn't the assessments or standardized tests or cramming a hundred standards within nine weeks, but it is teaching outside the box. It is spending time with the kids and letting them know that you "care" about them in more ways than just an academic standpoint. I know my kids know that I care about them because if they had a choice, they would hug me all day and every day and I do get tired of all the touching but I just need to let them hug me. They need that attention and motivation.
My administrators, school system, and co workers are AMAZING! I love where I teach and I love how they care about the kids, but it is from the political stand point that drives me nuts. I'm not going to get into it because it just frustrates me and I feel that our society isn't going in the right direction with educations. Someone at the conference said,"That teachers are of the most intellectual groups of people that are treated so unprofessionally. " That is so true! We are told how to do our job from people (politicians) that have no idea about what kids need now days. I bet half their kids don't even attend a public school. Anyways, getting back to my point, Debbie Silver really reminded me that I am in that classroom with my students and I am the only one that truly knows them and how to inspire them. That there is nothing wrong with getting to know my kids and letting them be individuals. I do this anyways but feel that if I do it too much then I'm going to get in trouble, but I can't let that hold me back.
I've got a whole new out look on Monday and I can't wait to see my kiddos! I am going to really get to know them and so what if it takes up some time from reading or writing. I want these kids to walk away from our classroom with them really knowing that I truly care about them and their lives. I know I do it anyways but Debbie Silver gave me the inspiration to do it and not be afraid. I know I've always been a "different" teacher and I work hard for them to learn what they need to know. God is just so amazing and has shown me today that I can do it and to not let the politicians or programs keep me from what I know is best in giving my students what they need and want.