It took a lot of thought into creating a name for my blog. It couldn't just be any old name, but had to have meaning and a purpose. I didn't want to do just a teacher blog or a blog about my not so "simple" life but a combination of all things. So here is an explanation of the name, "Safaris, Sparkles, and Sweet Tea."
I am in my fourth year of teaching and recently moved from third grade to first grade. Wow! What a world of difference between first and third! It is amazing to see the beginning of children's minds as they begin to grow in their education. I moved schools and with the help of my amazing mother, my classroom theme is a "Safari Jungle." Hence the word-safaris-because if you teach school, you know that life as an educator is full of the ups and downs of a safari.
For sparkles, well I love accessories! Anything that sparkles is wonderful! I love all things that sparkle! I also sell Mary Kay and this amazing business offers all of their ladies and men the chance to "sparkle." Everyone has a special way that makes them sparkle. Dance was my sparkle for 18 years and now my sparkles fall in other areas-some I'm still searching for...
Last but not least, sweet tea, is a symbol for a southern gal. I love all things sweet! Sweet tea reminds me of football season, eating out, spending time outside with puppies, days at the lake or the beach, and enjoying the sweet thing we call "life." Even if most of the time it isn't so sweet. We learn just how to make it sweet and some days we learn slower than others. Believe me, I know, I am a clumsy gal and it reminds me constantly that my life is not my own. I must fully rely on God and he reminds every day with dropping a book on my foot or running into the side of a door!
Well, as a teacher, I must go to bed because a day full of 15 firsties can wear a person slap out! I wish I had half the energy they do! They make life quite entertaining and busy! Enjoy your week!
War Eagle!
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