I love Thanksgiving because it is usually a stress free day of eating and watching football. I loved sitting and hanging out with my parents and Blake. It is also a day to reflect (the teacher in me) on the year. I love to focus on the good and the not so good because all of it has molded me into a better person. I have learned so many lessons over the past year and still learning many more. I am grateful for the new friends that have entered my life.
The next day I went shopping after the crazy crowd had crashed for a nap. I found mom's dress for the wedding. It is beautiful! The perfect shade of pink. She looked beautiful in it and she loved it! I also picked up my brother's Christmas gift.
Mom and me
My sweet parents.
Yeah...didn't get the height but no complaints.
Beautiful, burlap center piece
Place Setting
Dad and his yummy turkey skills!
Yeah, he didn't last long. :)
The Future Dormans
Sweet Blake watching football. Love this man so much.
Southern Love,